
Ezreal Build: Mastering the Best Setups for League of Legends

The Ultimate Guide to Dominating with Ezreal Across All Modes

When crafting the perfect Ezreal build, understanding the champion’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial. Whether you’re playing in Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, TFT, or Wild Rift, a versatile Ezreal build can adapt to any situation. The key is balancing damage, survivability, and mobility, allowing Ezreal to maximize his poke potential while staying safe in fights. Depending on the game mode, your Ezreal build might focus more on AD for quick bursts or AP for sustained damage, making flexibility essential to mastering this iconic champion.


Ezreal is one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, known for his high skill ceiling, exceptional mobility, and poke potential. Mastering Ezreal involves not just perfecting his skill shots but also understanding how to build him effectively in various game modes. This article will delve into the best Ezreal build across different game scenarios, including Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, TFT, and Wild Rift. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to optimize Ezreal’s build to dominate your opponents.

Understanding Ezreal’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before diving into specific builds, it’s essential to understand what makes Ezreal unique. Ezreal excels at poking enemies from a distance, kiting effectively with his Arcane Shift, and bursting down targets with his high-damage abilities. However, he is also relatively squishy and relies heavily on skill shots, making positioning and timing critical to his success. Understanding these traits will help you tailor your build to maximize Ezreal’s strengths while mitigating his weaknesses.

Ezreal Build for Summoner’s Rift

Core Items

In Summoner’s Rift, Ezreal’s build typically revolves around a few core items that enhance his poke and burst potential.

Essence Reaver: Provides Ezreal with critical strike chance, mana sustain, and ability haste, allowing him to spam his abilities more frequently.

Manamune (Muramana): Essential for stacking mana and converting it into additional damage. This item is a must-have for any Ezreal build.

Trinity Force: Offers a balanced mix of attack damage, health, and movement speed, making Ezreal more durable and enhancing his overall damage output.

Situational Items

Depending on the enemy team composition, consider adding these situational items:

  • Guardian Angel for survivability.
  • Maw of Malmortius against heavy AP threats.
  • Serylda’s Grudge for armor penetration and additional slowing effects.

Runes and Summoner Spells

  • Primary Rune Path: Precision with Conqueror as the keystone is popular, providing sustained damage during extended fights.
  • Secondary Rune Path: Inspiration with Biscuit Delivery and Magical Footwear for sustain and early game power.
  • Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Heal depending on your team’s needs.

Ezreal Build for ARAM

Core Items

In ARAM, where there’s no laning phase, Ezreal benefits from builds that focus on consistent poke and sustain:

Luden’s Tempest: Offers burst damage and wave clear, essential for ARAM’s skirmish-heavy environment.

Seraph’s Embrace: Enhances mana and provides a shield, giving Ezreal much-needed survivability.

Shadowflame: Useful for cutting through shields and dealing consistent AP damage.


  • Hextech Rocketbelt can be an alternative to Arcane Shift, providing an extra dash and burst damage.
  • Liandry’s Anguish works well against tanky teams, providing percentage-based health damage.

AP Ezreal Build

AP Ezreal is a niche but effective build that focuses on maximizing the damage output of his abilities, particularly his Essence Flux (W) and Trueshot Barrage (R).

Core Items

Luden’s Tempest: Core to AP Ezreal, offering burst damage and mana regeneration.

Rabadon’s Deathcap: Significantly boosts AP, amplifying all of Ezreal’s abilities.

Lich Bane: Synergizes with Ezreal’s Q (Mystic Shot), adding additional magic damage on hit.


AP Ezreal requires a different approach, focusing on hitting W-E-Q combos to maximize burst. This build works best when the enemy team lacks a lot of gap closers, allowing Ezreal to kite effectively.

Ezreal Build in TFT (Teamfight Tactics)

Ezreal’s role in TFT varies based on the set and traits available, but he often serves as a backline damage dealer or utility champion.

Key Items

Blue Buff: Reduces ability cooldowns, allowing Ezreal to spam his abilities more frequently.

Spear of Shojin: Similar to Blue Buff, it provides additional mana per attack, enabling frequent ability usage.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Increases attack speed, which is crucial for Ezreal to keep up with his mana generation and damage output.

Positioning and Synergy

Position Ezreal in the backline to ensure he stays safe while dealing damage. Synergize with traits that boost his attack speed or ability power, such as Chrono or Mystic.

Ezreal Build for Wild Rift

In Wild Rift, Ezreal’s build shares similarities with Summoner’s Rift but with adjustments for the faster-paced gameplay.

Core Items

Manamune: Again, this item is crucial for stacking mana and increasing damage output.

Trinity Force: Provides a balanced mix of damage, health, and mobility.

Blade of the Ruined King: Offers lifesteal and additional damage based on the enemy’s max health, which is especially useful against tanky opponents.

Runes and Spells

  • Primary Rune Path: Conqueror for sustained fights or Electrocute for burst damage.
  • Secondary Rune Path: Brutal and Hunter – Titan for bonus damage and tenacity.
  • Summoner Spells: Flash and Ignite or Barrier, depending on the matchup.


Mastering Ezreal’s build across different modes requires understanding his role and adapting to the specific challenges of each game mode. Whether you’re looking to dominate in Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, TFT, or Wild Rift, the key is to focus on items and runes that enhance Ezreal’s strengths—mobility, poke, and burst damage—while mitigating his weaknesses. With the right build, Ezreal can be a formidable force, consistently carrying games and outmaneuvering opponents.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Ezreal and ensuring you’re always ready to adapt to any game mode in League of Legends.

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